Technical Data


Please review the appropriate information to help you in your purchase:

Fire Rating Info

Door Designs

Kalamein Doors

Hollow Metal Doors


Side Lights & Transoms

Door Specs

Angle Irons

Swing Chart



Fire Rated

There are some basic requirements for an opening before it can be classified as fire rated:


The wall, frame, and door all have to be fire rated. The opening must be labeled at 2/3 of the wall rating. For instance, if you have a 2 hour wall you must have a 90 min. rated label on your door.

The door must be self-closing. This is usually done by a door closer or, in some cases, spring hinges. Both serve the same purpose in that the door will close and serve it's purpose of holding back the fire.

The door must be self-latching. Push and pull plates cannot be used on a fire rated door. The door has to latch into the frame when closed so it stays shut until it is manually opened. This means that you have to use at least a passage set on the door.

Steel ball bearing hinges must be used. Brass, bronze and other bases cannot be used. Steel based hinges are available in a variety of plated finishes.

Maximum Door Size: 4' x 10'


As stated above, the purpose of a fire rated opening is to retard fire for a specific period of time. Most labeled doors will have an A, B, or C label:


A label: 3 hour rating. These doors are used for openings in walls separating buildings that are joined together. No glass is allowed in these doors.

B label: 1 1/2 hour rating. These doors are usually used for stairwell doors but are sometimes used at all the rated walls in a building. 100 square inches of exposed glass is allowed per leaf.

C label: 3/4 hour rating. These doors are used for openings from a corridor into another room in the same building. 1296 square inches of exposed glass is allowed per leaf; 54" maximum dimension.



Louvers can be installed on fire rated doors but they have to be fusible link. This means that once the heat from the fire reaches a certain temperature (usually 105 degrees), the fusible link will melt which causes the louver blades to close. This will help prevent the spread of fire. The maximum size for these louvers is 24 x 24. There is no glass allowed in the door if it has a louver.


Remember to follow the requirements listed above. Codes differ from area to area but these are the standard.


Read the Office of Compliance Fire Door Safety Fast Facts




Door Designs

The standard designs show are those most frequently used. We can furnish any special door type required.





Kalamein Doors

kalamein Kalamein Door

Kalamein Specifications


1. Core constructed of 6/4 white pine stiles and rails.
2. Each face of door to be constructed of a continuous ¼” sheet of osb substrate board.
3. Over the osb board is 24 gauge “Paintlock” face sheets are to be bonded to stiles, rails and substrate board.
4. 1 ¾″ edge of doors to be lockseam.
5. Face sheet at top and bottom rails are to be closed over each rail and fastened to rail.





Hollow Metal Doors

hollow metal Hollow Metal door

• 16, 18, OR 20 Ga.
• Full Flush Design-Seamless Faces
• Lockseam Edge
• Honeycomb-Core, Assured Flatness
• High Impact Resistance
• Accommodates all Standard Hardware
• Welded Seamless Edge available.



1. Doors shall be formed of two (16, 18, or 20) ga. CQ class 1 steel sheets and shall be 1 ¾″ thick.
2. Doors shall have a one piece kraft honeycomb core, securely bonded to both face sheets, to reinforce, stiffen, and sound deaden the door. Honeycomb core shall have 1″ hexagonal cell for maximum strength.
3. There shall be no seams on the faces of door. SEAMLESS OPTION: There shall be no seams on faces or edges of door.
4. Exterior doors shall be capped to retard moisture penetrating the door.
5. All hinge reinforcements shall be a minimum 3/16″ thick.
6. All doors shall be internally reinforced with a 12 ga. channel, for application of surface applied door closers and holders, either side of door.
7. Glass light molding shall be installed with no exposed screws, on the secure side of door.
8. Fire rated doors, where indicated, shall be manufactured in accordance with New York City Board of Standards and Appeals procedures and bear the appropriate label.
9. All doors shall be chemically pre-treated and given one coat of baked-on, rust-inhibitive, metallic primer.
10. Doors shall be protected to minimize damage in transit and handling.

• 12, 14, 16, 18, or 20 Ga.
• Full Flush Design-Seamless Faces
• Lockseam Edge
• Vertical Steel Ribbed Core
• Heavy Duty-High Use Applications
• Fiberglass Insulated
• Accommodates all Standard Hardware
• Welded Seamless Edge available


1. Doors shall be formed of two (12, 14, 16, 18 or 20) ga. CQ class 1 steel sheets and shall be 1 ¾″ thick.
2. Doors shall be internally reinforced with pairs of hat-shaped steel stiffeners joined together and running vertically, full height of door 6″ apart. Stiffeners shall be spot welded 4″ o.c. to both faces of door, and arc-welded to each other top and bottom. Voids between stiffeners shall be filled with insulation.
3. There shall be no seams on the faces of door. SEAMLESS OPTION: There shall be no seams on faces or edges of door.
4. Exterior doors shall be capped to retard moisture penetrating the door.
5. All hinge reinforcements shall be a minimum 3/16″ thick.
6. All doors shall be internally reinforced with a 12 ga. channel, for application of surface applied door closers, and holders, either side of door.
7. Glass light molding shall be installed with no exposed screws, on the secure side of door.
8. Fire rated doors, where indicated, shall be manufactured in accordance with New York City Board of Standards and Appeals procedures and bear the appropriate label.









Side Lights & Transoms





Door Specs


90 Minute Rated Double Sided Panel Kalamein Door

Rail & Stile

90 Minute Rated Single Sided Panel Kalamein Door

1side panel


Hollow Metal #16 Guage Steel Frame Profile

16 Gauge cove



Custom 3/16" Steel Angle Iron Frames

Angle Iron



Swing Chart


Swing Chart


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